Eythan Chandler

There is a saying that “the body is a temple” and although this phrase can be interpreted in various ways, the body is a material. This vessel is to be used and incorporated for creative means through the formation of matter through the use of our hands, performance, mold-making, or in this case, prints. While incorporating affordable and reusable materials, Yes I Bake In My Spare Time Why Do You Ask? integrates all-purpose flour, cloth, and the human body to make shadows to combine these elements as one into a single medium. Through these gestures, there is a visible aftermath of a physical intermingling between one material applied to another, and interjection unto one more. In this process the human body is combined into a single material with others to leave an imprint of movement, curiosity, and exploration of what sculpture can be. This physical form in which we all inhabit and distinguish the outside world through is meant for more than perception and creation. No matter the subtlety of of our actions, a part of us will be left behind, a shadow.


Yes I Bake In My Spare Time Why Do You Ask?, 2021, flour, cotton fabric, human body, dimensions variable
Yes I Bake In My Spare Time Why Do You Ask? (detail), 2021, flour, cotton fabric, human body, dimensions variable
Yes I Bake In My Spare Time Why Do You Ask? (detail), 2021, flour, cotton fabric, human body, dimensions variable
Yes I Bake In My Spare Time Why Do You Ask? (detail), 2021, flour, cotton fabric, human body, dimensions variable