My work explores various countries and cultures throughout the world through the fantasy and mythology of dragons. In this travel journal there is a diversity of the different viewpoints of myths and legends, depicted through research, watercolors, and various sketches of landscapes and anatomy. Through interaction, one travels with the author and lives through these experiences in turn. These drawings provide a window into this fictional world, while the text provides insight and teachings.
This book is inspired from the idea and fascination of the common link between dragons with various cultures and regions throughout the world, even those who never interacted. What inspired so many to believe these fantastic beasts truly lived and dominated the lands? What made them so divine that some would even worship them? Why would these beliefs cease to exist? All are questions that pushed and motivated me throughout my process, researching each legend and belief to compile and expand on.
My want and goal is for others to delve into this world of fantasy: to play with their own imaginations while exploring these regions with the author and ask questions of their own. I view my work to be a glimpse into the past, allowing thoughts to be free to roam, to see a world of what-ifs, and delve into the fictional. This is a playful idea, but also one of understanding. We can understand the world and their legends, and we can respect them. This is what allows us to better view a place that might’ve been: a place filled with magic and a divine energy from those that exist only in stories, yet have influenced so much.