My work focuses on the way sound is seen. For each piece I am painting, producing a music track based on the subject. The videos are edited in separate ways, yet affect how the paintings are understood. I take inspiration from the abstract expressionists of the New York School, Neo-Geometric Abstraction, Minimal Techno music as well as groups that run visuals for large music festivals.
My paintings incorporate different sound waves, which in turn I use in the production of music. Music is used as a self expression that provides a meditative way to release my anxiety and let go of trauma from my past. Using the combination of technology as well as the physicality of acrylic paint and oil sticks, I am able to take control of negative thoughts that tend to have a grasp and free myself.

Based on 82.4Hz, 2021, audio, 3:36 minutes
See The Sound, 2021, video, 3:31 minutes

Based on Kick Wave, 2021, audio, 3:06 minutes
Feel The Sound, 2021, video, 3:06 minutes

Based on Synesthesia, 2021, audio, 2:56 minutes